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Death in Service Benefit

Death in Service Benefit

It’s important to plan for your family’s financial security in case the unexpected happens. That’s why Pearson provides employees with death benefits. The amount of benefit available to you depends on whether you are a member of the Pension Plan and which section you are in.

Death Benefits Per Section and The Pension Plan Membership

Money Purchase 2003 SectionAuto Enrolment SectionNon-Member of the The Pension Plan
Lump sum as a multiple of salary4 times3 times2 times
Annual income to your spouse or civil partner33%NoNo
Annual income to dependent children (up to four children)8.5% eachNoNo
Refund of pension potNoYesN/A
Annual Income or Salary Multiplier: Your income or salary multiplier is calculated using your Pensionable Salary at the time of death, which is your salary as of 1 April each year, restricted in accordance with the Plan Earnings Cap.

For more information, visit: The Pearson Pension Plan website

Report a Death

To report a death, visit: The Pearson Pension Plan website.

The Pension Plan

For more information, visit our: The Pension Plan page